Occupational risks in workers of CADE food industry and the Montúfar Battalion, Santo Domingo


  • Ruth Calderón Landívar Author
  • Daniela Elena Loja Llano Author
  • Tito Javier Tena García Author
  • Karla Anai Quiñonez Castillo Author
  • Jenrry Fredy Chávez-Arizala Author




Occupational risks, Workers, Ergonomics, Occupational hygiene


Introduction: occupational risk is any circumstance capable of causing danger in the context of the development of an activity within the work day.
Objective: identify the occupational risks to which workers in the CADE food industry and the Montúfar Battalion are exposed, Santo Domingo, 2022.
Methods: observational, descriptive cross-sectional research. The universe was 100 people and through non-probabilistic sampling for convenience and the established exclusion and inclusion criteria, the sample was made up of 59. The data were tabulated through Microsoft Excel for better study and understanding.
Results: Regarding the working hours of the respondents, it was established that 44,8 % worked more than 40 hours and 27,6 % worked 20 to 40 hours and less than 20 hours; In the battalion, 63,3 % work between 20 to 40 hours and 36,7 % work more than 40 hours. It was determined that 48,3 % of the sample in the Cadepan industry considers noise to be high and 41,4 % establishes that there is no noise; while in the battalion 96,7 % of workers are exposed to high noise.
Conclusions: raising awareness of the personnel who work in both institutions on topics such as the proper use of equipment and tools specific to the area is a first-order task, in addition, adopting correct work postures to avoid health problems in the future


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How to Cite

Calderón Landívar R, Loja Llano DE, Tena García TJ, Quiñonez Castillo KA, Chávez-Arizala JF. Occupational risks in workers of CADE food industry and the Montúfar Battalion, Santo Domingo. Health Leadership and Quality of Life [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];4:67. Available from: https://hl.ageditor.ar/index.php/hl/article/view/67