Preparation of blueberry blueberry muffins


  • Ruth Elizabeth Calderón Landívar Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Raúl Fabricio Saltos Bermello Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Fanny Tatiana Espinoza Jumbo Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Jenrry Fredy Chávez-Arizala Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author



Diabetes, Glucose, Daily requirement, Healthy product, Quality of life


Introduction: diabetes mellitus (DM) is a set of metabolic disorders, whose main common characteristic is the presence of high concentrations of blood glucose persistently or chronicly.
Objective: prepare a blueberry muffins that allow expanding diabetic feed options.
Method: a quantitative, experimental and transverse study was conducted, the study was conducted during the year 2020 at the Santo Domingo de Ecuador headquarters. A study sample of 100 cases was selected to whom the survey was applied and were selected by a simple random sampling. For data collection, a survey was applied under the quantitative approach, divided into three sections.
Results: 62 % of the sample is male, 76 % have an age between 18 and 35 years, consume fresh water and natural water by 38 % and fruits and vegetables 46 %, 90 % of respondents would be arranged To consume cakes or muffins that is healthy, 30 % consider the difficult diets to make, it is evident that the % fat of the product is 3.02 %, which is beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.
Conclusions: you can see in the study that people like fast food and that they would be willing to eat healthy muffins, appreciating that a healthy product can help change eating habits. It is considered that the most difficult aspect in the treatment of diabetes is to maintain an adequate diet.


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How to Cite

Calderón Landívar RE, Saltos Bermello RF, Espinoza Jumbo FT, Chávez-Arizala JF. Preparation of blueberry blueberry muffins. Health Leadership and Quality of Life [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 12];4:64. Available from: