Emergency stock in a resource-constrained acute care unit: analysis of the medication management process





drug-related problems, drug stock, emergency department, drug management


Introduction: The research is based on the evaluation and analysis of drug stock management in the Emergency Department of Peltier University Hospital Center in Djibouti. Methods: An observational, longitudinal and descriptive study was conducted from December 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. The aim was to describe the diseases with the highest incidence in the emergency department and to organize a stock of medicines. Results: the health problems that contributed the greatest number of patients were cerebrovascular diseases and renal failure with a length of stay of 27 and 66 hours respectively. In relation to the stages of drug acquisition management, it was possible to analyze that, although there are most of the drugs in the institution, their use and consumption is deficient since there is no physical or documented existence of a stock of drugs in the emergency department, which is expressed in the prolongation of the stay in the service. A medication guide was developed to improve the emergency stock and better patient management. Conclusions: The lack of a stock of medicines in the emergency department affected the stage (use - consumption), which is the most important for the adequate management of the patient, thus prolonging the stay in the service


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How to Cite

Herrería Acosta DL, Santana Pérez JL, Sosa Remón A, Auza-Santivañez JC, Jeréz Alvarez AE. Emergency stock in a resource-constrained acute care unit: analysis of the medication management process. Health Leadership and Quality of Life [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];4:138. Available from: https://hl.ageditor.ar/index.php/hl/article/view/138